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Acidizing process is generally performed on wells to maximize their initial productivity and on aging wells to restore productivity and maximize the recovery of the energy resources. The process involves pumping acid into a wellbore or geologic formation that is capable of producing oil and/or gas. Well acidizing is accomplished by pumping acid into the well to dissolve limestone, dolomite and calcite cement between the sediment grains of the reservoir rocks.
The use of Damage Mechanisms (DM’s) has been successfully developed and applied in the Oil Refiningindustry for over 20 years. A damage mechanism is a specific combination of mechanical, chemical,physical, or other processes that result in equipment degradation (piping or equipment) during operation(active or shut down). These have been defined for Oil Refining (API RP 5711). API RP 571 issupplemented with some similar and some specific individual damage mechanism, by technical reports, recommended practices, publications, and bulletins from API, as well as from the National Association ofCorrosion Engineers (NACE - now known as the Association for Materials Protection and Performanceor AMPP), and the Welding Research Council (WRC).
Scale formation is one of the flow assurance problems encountered in the oil and gas industry. It can deposit from reservoir, downhole tubing to topside facilities. Once formed, it could have a significant impact on production, including tubing and valve blockage, interference of well intervention, and even well abundance.
Calcium sulfate is one of the common scales formed in the oilfields.
Corrosion-related losses represent approximately 30% of the hydrocarbons extraction and treatment industry's failures, with a total annual cost of US$ 1.372 billion. The oil&gas industry has widely recognized the importance of implementing effective prediction and management systems to reduce costs and guarantee compliance with safety, health, and environmental regulations. In this context, it is safe to narrow the oilfield corrosion problem mainly towards the two most severe degradation cases observed during operation: the sweet CO₂-related and H₂S-related corrosion.
The nuclear waste at the Hanford Site is currently stored in 131 single-shell tanks and 27 double-shell tanks (DSTs). When the primary liner in Tank 241-AY-102 (AY-102) failed, the secondary liner became the principal barrier of the tank, and leaked waste interacted with the refractory foundation beneath the primary liner. The high caustic concentration of the tank waste could have reacted with the tank refractory, lowering the pH and leading to increased corrosion rates of the annulus tank steel. The extent of change would depend on the waste volume to surface area ratio and other factors.
It is well known in the hot rolled steel making business that nonmetallic inclusions play criticalrole in defining steel performance. The objective of this paper is to study laminations that weredetected via Phased Array UT system in X60MS Class-C High Frequency Welded Pipe intended foroffshore application. The linear intermittent laminations appear along the pipe and adjacent tothe weld seam from both sides at a width of 30 to 40 mm with various depths. Technical reviewwas carried out on 5 available pipes, pertaining to the same heat of the original pipe identifiedearlier with lamination, through model experiments; both on the laboratory and on the industrialscale. At the beginning, depth and distribution of detected laminations were analyzed by manualUT mapping using normal beam probe. Metallurgical analysis via Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX)was carried out on three samples to determine the chemical composition as well as themorphology of the lamination. The type of inclusion which turned out to be type B (Alumina-Al2O3) inclusion was identified by evaluating EDX results using Method A per ASTM E45. As it isa pure material based incident, failure analysis was carried out by the steel maker to identify theassociated root causes from process control prospective and the appropriate preventivemeasures to avoid reoccurrence. Eventually, the applied quality control measures duringmanufacturing process of HFW pipes, represented in the deployment of UT systems, werereviewed to identify the reason behind missing such important defect before pipes are beingshipped to the client.
Composite repairs have been applied to pipelines and piping systems for structural reinforcement after external corrosion. Such repairs may consist of glass or carbon fibers embedded in a matrix of epoxy. Typically, these repairs are hand applied using either wet lay-up systems or prefabricated rolls of composite sleeve. In some applications, pipeline continued corrosion growth under composite repairs were reported using Inline Inspection (ILI) which raises a concern about the integrity of the metallic piping under composite repairs. When continued corrosion is detected by ILI, a difficulty is typically faced due to the inability to measure pipeline remaining thickness under such repairs. To resolve this challenge, this paper will discuss multiple inspection and corrosion monitoring techniques for metal loss under composite repairs. To measure the pipeline wall thickness due to internal corrosion, one or more of the three (3) Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) technologies namely; Dynamic Response Spectroscopy (DRS), Multi-skip Ultrasonic (MS-UT) and digital radiography were evaluated and found capable. To monitor for external corrosion, a scheduled visual inspection of the composite repair would be the first inspection step. If the composite repair appears to be intact then the visual inspection would suffice and the repair should be acceptable to its design life. If the original defect is external corrosion and a scheduled visual inspection of the composite repair shows damage to the composite repair then inspection to assess the integrity of the substrate must be used before permanently fixing the composite repair. For this scenario, digital radiography or MS-UT are recommended to assess the condition of the substrate
Electrochemical protection techniques have provided owners of reinforced concrete infrastructure a highly effective option for controlling reinforcement corrosion. This is particularly so for coastal assets, such as wharves and bridges which are exposed to seawater and in turn the corrosive effects thatfollow as chlorides migrate through the concrete cover to the reinforcement. Protection technologies have evolved considerably over the past 30 years in the Australian market.
Automated inspection systems are widely used in many industries. Tele-commuting enables an entire spectrum of virtual workers. Tele-inspection combines the automation hardware with a virtually present human-inspector to allow the transfer of manual dexterity in real-time over the internet.
High Pressure and High Temperature wells are very critical and require special attention to avoid well integrity issues. High pressure requests the use of very high strength low alloyed steels, above 965 MPa (140 ksi), while even trace of hydrogen sulfide implies significant partial pressures of H2S, much higher than the limit of 0.05 psi (3.5 mbar) provided by NACE MR0175 / ISO 15156 standard. Consequently, and despite a high temperature that reduces the risk of cracking, it is crucial to assess the resistance to Sulfide Stress Cracking of materials. However low alloyed steels experience high corrosion rates when exposed to standardized test solutions at elevated temperatures, leading to difficulties of controlling the mechanical stress loading, with a load rising in NACE TM0177 Method A and declining in four-points bending test. In addition, close attention shall be paid to both the evolution of the mechanical properties of the materials with the temperature and the appropriate sequence of sour gas introduction with regards to the temperature control. This paper discusses the most appropriate testing protocol for overcoming these issues and provides experimental results obtained in the frame of the qualification of 965 MPa (140 ksi) controlled yield grade for HPHT applications.