
Systematic Approach toward Damage Mechanism Reviews and Mechanical Integrity Improvements for Ammonia Synthesis and Fertilizer Facilities

The use of Damage Mechanisms (DM’s) has been successfully developed and applied in the Oil Refining
industry for over 20 years. A damage mechanism is a specific combination of mechanical, chemical,
physical, or other processes that result in equipment degradation (piping or equipment) during operation
(active or shut down). These have been defined for Oil Refining (API RP 5711). API RP 571 is
supplemented with some similar and some specific individual damage mechanism, by technical reports, recommended practices, publications, and bulletins from API, as well as from the National Association of
Corrosion Engineers (NACE - now known as the Association for Materials Protection and Performance
or AMPP), and the Welding Research Council (WRC).

Product Number: 51323-19349-SG
Author: Michael Nugent, Daniel J. Benac, Sean Berg
Publication Date: 2023

Damage Mechanisms for oil refinery operating units have been well documented for over 20 years. The
successful application of this methodology is the cornerstone of Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) and other
predictive Asset or Mechanical Integrity technology that has provided improvements in equipment
reliability. Damage mechanism reviews have been applied to Ammonia Production Plants, which have
less variability in feedstocks and often very similar processing equipment. This paper provides an
overview of the potential unique damage mechanisms based on known process parameters, selected
the appropriate inspection methods, and communicates relevant factors and possible mitigation options
as a resource for ammonia production sites. This methodology has been implemented in numerous
facilities worldwide.

Damage Mechanisms for oil refinery operating units have been well documented for over 20 years. The
successful application of this methodology is the cornerstone of Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) and other
predictive Asset or Mechanical Integrity technology that has provided improvements in equipment
reliability. Damage mechanism reviews have been applied to Ammonia Production Plants, which have
less variability in feedstocks and often very similar processing equipment. This paper provides an
overview of the potential unique damage mechanisms based on known process parameters, selected
the appropriate inspection methods, and communicates relevant factors and possible mitigation options
as a resource for ammonia production sites. This methodology has been implemented in numerous
facilities worldwide.

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