
07580 Corrosion Behavior of Alloy 22 in Concentrated Nitrate and Chloride Salt Environments at Elevated Temperatures

Product Number: 51300-07580-SG
ISBN: 07580 2007 CP
Author: L. Yang, D. Dunn, X. He, V. Jain, G. Cragnolino, Y. Pan, A. Csontos, and T. Ahn
Publication Date: 2007
The possible waste package design at the potential repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, may consist of an outer container made of Alloy 22. Under the repository conditions, hygroscopic salts may deposit on the waste package surfaces and sorb moisture from the atmosphere when the relative humidity is near or above their deliquescence relative humidity, causing aqueous corrosion of the waste package.
The possible waste package design at the potential repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, may consist of an outer container made of Alloy 22. Under the repository conditions, hygroscopic salts may deposit on the waste package surfaces and sorb moisture from the atmosphere when the relative humidity is near or above their deliquescence relative humidity, causing aqueous corrosion of the waste package.
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