
07585 The Effect of Temperature on the Breakdown and Repassivation Potentials of Welded Alloy 22 in 5M CaCl2

Product Number: 51300-07585-SG
ISBN: 07585 2007 CP
Author: Gabriel O. Ilevbare
Publication Date: 2007
The study of the electrochemical behavior of wrought and welded Alloy 22 was carried out in 5 M CaCl2 as a function of temperatures between 45 and 120 oC with Multiple Crevice Assembly (MCA) specimens. The susceptibility to corrosion was found to increase with increase in electrolyte temperature in both the wrought (in the mill annealed condition) and the welded forms of the alloy. The weld metal was found to be less susceptible to localized corrosion under the conditions tested.
The study of the electrochemical behavior of wrought and welded Alloy 22 was carried out in 5 M CaCl2 as a function of temperatures between 45 and 120 oC with Multiple Crevice Assembly (MCA) specimens. The susceptibility to corrosion was found to increase with increase in electrolyte temperature in both the wrought (in the mill annealed condition) and the welded forms of the alloy. The weld metal was found to be less susceptible to localized corrosion under the conditions tested.
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ISBN: 07577 2007 CP
Author: Raul B. Rebak, Martin A. Rodriguez, and Marshall L. Stuart
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07581 Environmental and Geometrical Conditions to Sustain Crevice in Alloy 22

Product Number: 51300-07581-SG
ISBN: 07581 2007 CP
Author: Ricardo M. Carranza, Martin A. Rodriguez, and Raul B. Rebak
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07578 Crevice Corrosion Propagation Behavior of Alloy 22 in Extreme Environments

Product Number: 51300-07578-SG
ISBN: 07578 2007 CP
Author: Xihua He and Darrell S. Dunn
Publication Date: 2007