
07579 The Electrochemical Behavior of Alloy 22 in Extreme Chloride and Nitrate Environments

Product Number: 51300-07579-SG
ISBN: 07579 2007 CP
Author: Gabriel O. Ilevbare, Steve R. Gordon, and Robert Etien
Publication Date: 2007
Alloy 22 specimens were tested in high temperature (100 to 160oC), high concentration chloride and nitrate environments. Results of this study indicate that increasing nitrate to chloride ratio to 0.5 in these electrolytes increases resistance to localized breakdown and enhances repassivation. In these extreme environments, localized corrosion occurred by pitting even though specimens were tested using artificial crevice formers. Open circuit (Ecorr), breakdown and repassivation potentials all increase, and pitting morphology changes as nitrate to chloride ratio increases from 0.05 and 0.15 to 0.5. Results also indicate that increasing the temperature from 100 to 160oC increases Ecorr values, while breakdown potentials and repassivation potentials peak at 130oC for the 0.5 nitrate to chloride ratio electrolytes.
Alloy 22 specimens were tested in high temperature (100 to 160oC), high concentration chloride and nitrate environments. Results of this study indicate that increasing nitrate to chloride ratio to 0.5 in these electrolytes increases resistance to localized breakdown and enhances repassivation. In these extreme environments, localized corrosion occurred by pitting even though specimens were tested using artificial crevice formers. Open circuit (Ecorr), breakdown and repassivation potentials all increase, and pitting morphology changes as nitrate to chloride ratio increases from 0.05 and 0.15 to 0.5. Results also indicate that increasing the temperature from 100 to 160oC increases Ecorr values, while breakdown potentials and repassivation potentials peak at 130oC for the 0.5 nitrate to chloride ratio electrolytes.
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Product Number: 51300-07584-SG
ISBN: 07584 2007 CP
Author: Raul B. Rebak, Kenneth J. Evans, and Gabriel O. Ilevbare
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07593 On the Anodic Polarization Behavior of Carbon Steel in Hanford Nuclear Wastes

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ISBN: 07593 2007 CP
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