
Using the German Test Method TL 8135-002 for Multi-Metal Application: Non-Ferrous Alloys

Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor (VCI) packaging has wide acceptance in the logistics world as an effective means for the protection of metal fabricated parts during shipping and storage. The utilization of VCI packaging for metals other than steel is still a challenge. Customers are reliant on packaging suppliers to provide them with a technical solution to their unique parts yet there are no standard test methods to prove that their offering is going to work for their alloy or part. This paper discusses the application of the well-understood, TL8135-002 Vapor Inhibiting Ability (VIA) test on a variety of non-steel specimens, including copper, brass, zinc, and aluminum.
Product Number: 51324-20795-SG
Author: Jonathan Brekan; Kristi Lanzo
Publication Date: 2024
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