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Risks of stray current corrosion in pipelines with isolation joints have been investigated. Both subsea pipelines with cathodic protection with sacrificial anodes and onshore above ground installation without cathodic protection are examined.
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Epoxy linings have long been the standard generic resin type when specifiers are selecting products for lining new steel potable water tanks or rehabilitating existing steel potable water storage tanks in North America. The one exception to this rule has been the Canadian potable water storage market. In Canada many specifiers have recognized the benefits offered by 100% Solids Elastomeric Polyurethane linings for 25+ years with admirable results.
This paper contains a review of commonly used practices and presents a generalized technique for the calculation of earth potentials for the determination of remoteness of impressed current anode ground beds. The intent is to facilitate proper design and evaluation of anode ground beds of impressed current cathodic protection system for cross-country pipelines.
Case study for anode grid systems. used for Cathodic Protection of above ground storage tank bottom plates. Technical solutions for arranging the anode grid on large (90 m diameter) tanks are studied and compared in respect to the CP major objective.
Today, multi-purpose, built-for-purpose, all-in-one, pipeline integrity automation, wireless, data communication radios are available that monitor and report all cathodic protection rectifier operations, automate rectifier interruption, monitor rectifier operational status, monitor and report pipe-to-soil potential, pipeline pressure and pipeline pigging operations.
The State of the Art in the technical/scientific knowledge of the subject of AC corrosion on cathodically protected pipelines. Its mitigation, the studies and the issue of relevant Standards & Recommendations will also be dealt with.
In the mid-1990s, the US Navy’s technical community, led by Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), recognized existing coatings used to protect the inside of ships’ tanks were failing on average 5-8 years after application. The high cost to blast and recoat over 11,000 tanks every 5-8 years, not counting submarines and aircraft carriers, was prohibitive. To address this issue, the Navy conducted a study to analyze the problem and decided to replace these legacy coatings with high solid epoxy coatings.1
HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. This Technical Committee Report establishes the pertinent parameters to be observed and/or controlled during laboratory and field evaluation of corrosion inhibitors for the purpose of establishing a common baseline for the comparison of the results from such evaluations.
This paper aims to present innovative solutions in which organic composite materials can be utilized for solving corrosion problems. Two solutions are presented for corrosion protection of flanged pipework flange face forming and flanged coupling external protection.
This work presents a numerical model of the coupled interactions between temperature profile, electrolytic potential drop, and steady-state oxygen concentration gradient in soils surrounding buried pipelines.
Cathodic protection of hot tank bottom tanks requires specific design parameters. This paper presents the design, installation details and commissioning results for two hot sulphur tank cathodic protection using impressed current titanium / Mixed Metal Oxide ribbon anode grid system.
In an effort to increase the knowledge of the cleaning efficiency of typical pig designs at removing sludge and debris from pre-existing corrosion pits, a novel test setup and method has been devised.