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1D196, Laboratory Test Methods for Evaluating Oilfield Corrosion Inhibitors

HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. This Technical Committee Report establishes the pertinent parameters to be observed and/or controlled during laboratory and field evaluation of corrosion inhibitors for the purpose of establishing a common baseline for the comparison of the results from such evaluations.

Product Number: 24192-SG
Publication Date: 1996

HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. This Technical Committee Report establishes the pertinent parameters to be observed and/or controlled during laboratory and field evaluation of corrosion inhibitors for the purpose of establishing a common baseline for the comparison of the results from such evaluations.

Key words: corrosion inhibitors, testing, evaluation, linear polarization resistance, kettle, oilfield, oil production

HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. This Technical Committee Report establishes the pertinent parameters to be observed and/or controlled during laboratory and field evaluation of corrosion inhibitors for the purpose of establishing a common baseline for the comparison of the results from such evaluations.

Key words: corrosion inhibitors, testing, evaluation, linear polarization resistance, kettle, oilfield, oil production

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