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Picture for Influence of Nano-particles on Water Intrusion of a Nanoparticle Enriched Zinc Rich Coating by EIS Analysis
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Influence of Nano-particles on Water Intrusion of a Nanoparticle Enriched Zinc Rich Coating by EIS Analysis

Product Number: 51320-15147-SG
Author: Saiada Fuadi Fancy, Ahsan Sabbir, Kingsley Lau, Dale DeFord
Publication Date: 2020

Zinc-Rich Primer (ZRP) based coating systems are widely used to protect steel infrastructure from aggressive exposure environments. These coating systems provide corrosion protection of the steel substrate by both barrier and sacrificial mechanism. Electrical continuity between the zinc pigments and steel substrate is the fundamental parameter in order to achieve galvanic protection and the use of high pigment volume concentration may not necessarily ensure effective electrical continuity. Moreover, high zinc content also degrades the bond of the coating matrix to the steel substrate. Carbon nanoparticles are being considered in the development of ZRP coating systems to overcome these limitations considering its physical, electrical and mechanical properties. In this effort, a nanoparticle enriched zinc-rich primer coating system (NPE-ZRP) was evaluated to identify the influence of nano-particles on moisture intrusion of the coating system. A traditional inorganic zinc-rich coating system
(ZRP) was also evaluated to compare the overall performance of the NPE-ZRP coating system. Pre-exposure to the different levels of humidity (5%, 75% & 100% RH) was incorporated to identify the coating robustness and the influence of nano-particles to mitigate corrosion. Environmental pre-exposure to humidity didn’t appear to have a detrimental effect on the coating durability. Both coatings allow moisture intrusion inside the system and EIS can be used as an effective tool to estimate the moisture content.

Picture for Influence Of Organic Acids Released During Hydrothermal Liquefaction Of Biomass On Corrosion Of Candidate Reactor Alloys
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Influence Of Organic Acids Released During Hydrothermal Liquefaction Of Biomass On Corrosion Of Candidate Reactor Alloys

Product Number: 51321-16612-SG
Author: Minkang Liu/ Yimin Zeng/ Xue Han/ Jing-Li Luo
Publication Date: 2021
	Picture for Influence of Pb and Cl in Waste Wood Fuel on Furnace Wall Corrosion of Low Alloyed Steel and Alloy 625
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Influence of Pb and Cl in Waste Wood Fuel on Furnace Wall Corrosion of Low Alloyed Steel and Alloy 625

Product Number: 51324-21033-SG
Author: Annika Talus; Rikard Norling; Alice Moya Núñez
Publication Date: 2024
Picture for Influence of Shear Stress on the Pitting Corrosion Susceptibility of Austenitic Stainless Steel in Brine Evaluated in the Rotating Cylinder Electrode
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Influence of Shear Stress on the Pitting Corrosion Susceptibility of Austenitic Stainless Steel in Brine Evaluated in the Rotating Cylinder Electrode

Product Number: 51319-13362-SG
Author: Helmuth Sarmiento Klapper
Publication Date: 2019

During drilling operations the drillstring might be subjected to downhole conditions leading to pitting corrosion. State-of-the-art directional drilling technologies are very demanding in terms of material requirements including corrosion resistance. Manganese-stabilized fully austenitic stainless steels in strain-hardened condition own a beneficial combination of high strength high ductility and high toughness by keeping their own non-magnetic character. Therefore CrMn-stainless steels have been extensively used in drilling equipment. Once in contact with high chloride bearing drilling fluids at elevated temperatures however their passivity is compromised leading to pit nucleation and propagation. In consequence the pitting corrosion resistance of these materials becomes a significant limiting factor for their selection as well as for assessing the service life of drillstring components. To date extensive research work has been conducted to characterize the pitting susceptibility of CrMn-stainless steels under static conditions. Little attention however has been paid to the effect of shear stresses introduced by the flow of the drilling fluid on the pitting resistance and damage morphology produced on these materials when exposed to brines at elevated temperatures. To address this electrochemical examinations were conducted using the rotating cylinder electrode (RCE). The present paper discusses the results from potentiodynamic polarization tests and their relation to the hydrodynamic conditions produced in the RCE at different temperatures.

Picture for Influence of Stress and Temperature on Stress Corrosion Cracking of Welded Duplex Stainless Steel Joints under Drop Evaporation Test
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Influence of Stress and Temperature on Stress Corrosion Cracking of Welded Duplex Stainless Steel Joints under Drop Evaporation Test

Product Number: 51319-13420-SG
Author: Neusvaldo de Almeida
Publication Date: 2019

Drop evaporation test at three different temperatures were conducted with duplex stainless steel for the study of the influence of temperature strain and welding energy on its stress corrosion cracking (SCC) suitability. Three welding conditions were performed: regular condition according to N133 standard other with low welding energy with the objective of causing high ferrite content in the fusion zone and other with high welding energy in order to induce the precipitation of deleterious phases in the heat affected zone. The specimens were assayed with three different tensile stresses with a bending device and assayed for 500 hours and dripped with synthetic sea water solution with a flow rate of 10 ± 1 drops per minute. All specimens tested with a temperature of 110ºC showed a fracture in the region adjacent to the drip below the salt deposit and away from the weld with the presence of multiple nucleation and branched crack propagation. The fracture surface showed topography similar to cleavage with small regions of decohesion. The test specimens tested at 90ºC only showed localized corrosion preferential of the ferrite it occurred also in the region adjacent to the drip. The results showed that the crevice condition introduced by the salt layer offered more severe conditions than the welding conditions. The same tests were made with the dropping aiming adjacent region at temperatures of 70ºC and 90ºC to induce the crack in critical regions like fusion zone or heat affected zone but there was no evidence of SCC indicating that the critical temperature is higher than 90ºC even with non-standard welding conditions.

Picture for Influence of Structural Features of Scale Inhibitors on the Control of Silica Scaling
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Influence of Structural Features of Scale Inhibitors on the Control of Silica Scaling

Product Number: 51319-12861-SG
Author: Kostas Demadis
Publication Date: 2019

Feedwaters for industrial cooling water systems contain a variety of metal cations (such as calcium magnesium barium etc.) and anions (such as carbonate sulfate phosphate etc.) which overall constitute scaling ions. Their combination (depending on the particular water chemistry and solubility products) creates precipitates and deposits. These mineral salts cause enormous operational problems upon their deposition onto critical equipment surfaces (eg. membranes heat exchanger tubing tower fill etc.). Calcium carbonate and calcium phosphates are the most frequently encountered deposits. Other deposits although less common are equally troublesome. These include amorphous (colloidal) silica. Prevention of scale formation is greatly preferred by industrial water users to the more costly laborious (and potentially hazardous) chemical and mechanical cleaning (for example HF is required for the dissolution of silica deposits) of the adhered scale after a scaling event.This paper focuses on amorphous/colloidal silica fouling and its control by additive-driven inhibition. The use of several designed treatment additives will be described with emphasis on the structural elements of inhibitors used. These efforts address the question “what are the chemical moieties that contribute to silica inhibition and why”? Almost all silica inhibitors are polymers (either charged or uncharged). Certain silica scale inhibitors described can maintain up to ~ 400 ppm soluble silica in solution. Attention will also be paid to the designed chemical approaches that should be used to combat silica scale for example the use of inhibitor blends in search for potential synergistic effects. A detailed analysis will be given on the entire chemical treatment process starting from proper selection of the treatment program to proper application to effective monitoring and maintenance of system performance. Finally the general scope of silica chemistry fundamentals will be presented.