
Influence of Stress and Temperature on Stress Corrosion Cracking of Welded Duplex Stainless Steel Joints under Drop Evaporation Test

Drop evaporation test at three different temperatures were conducted with duplex stainless steel for the study of the influence of temperature strain and welding energy on its stress corrosion cracking (SCC) suitability. Three welding conditions were performed: regular condition according to N133 standard other with low welding energy with the objective of causing high ferrite content in the fusion zone and other with high welding energy in order to induce the precipitation of deleterious phases in the heat affected zone. The specimens were assayed with three different tensile stresses with a bending device and assayed for 500 hours and dripped with synthetic sea water solution with a flow rate of 10 ± 1 drops per minute. All specimens tested with a temperature of 110ºC showed a fracture in the region adjacent to the drip below the salt deposit and away from the weld with the presence of multiple nucleation and branched crack propagation. The fracture surface showed topography similar to cleavage with small regions of decohesion. The test specimens tested at 90ºC only showed localized corrosion preferential of the ferrite it occurred also in the region adjacent to the drip. The results showed that the crevice condition introduced by the salt layer offered more severe conditions than the welding conditions. The same tests were made with the dropping aiming adjacent region at temperatures of 70ºC and 90ºC to induce the crack in critical regions like fusion zone or heat affected zone but there was no evidence of SCC indicating that the critical temperature is higher than 90ºC even with non-standard welding conditions.

Product Number: 51319-13420-SG
Author: Neusvaldo de Almeida
Publication Date: 2019
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ISBN: 3890 2014 CP
Author: Fiona Ruel
Publication Date: 2014