This report summarizes the testing program of NACE Task Force T-l F-24 addressing the sulfide stress cracking resistance (SSC) of weldments. Three alloys were welded, postweld heat treated (PWHT), and tested for resistance to sulfide stress cracking (SSC) The alloys tested included AISI 4130, 2 l/4 CR-1 MO, and Type 410 stainless steel. Resistance to
SSC was evaluated using NACE TM0177 procedure. Performance of welded specimens was compared to base metal samples. The welding and PWHT procedures used were similar to those successfully used in
industry practice today. With the exception of a lower strength, normalized, 2 l/4 Cr-1Mo weldments, the SSC of weldments was less than that of the base metal. Keywords: sulfide stress cracking, SSC, 4130, 2 l/4 Cr-1 MO, 410 stainless steel, weld, weldment