This paper presents an overview of NACE Committee Report 8X294. It concentrates on wet hydrogen sulfide (H2S) cracking experiences found in the published literature related to experience in petroleum production transmission, processing and refining. It also focuses on defining and
differentiating the documented forms of wet H2S cracking: (1) hydrogen blistering, (2) hydrogen induced cracking (HIC), (3) stress oriented hydrogen induced cracking (SOHIC) and (4) sulfide stress cracking
(SSC). It also attempts to differentiate these forms of hydrogen-related environmental cracking (EC) from other forms of EC such as stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in alkaline solutions (e.g. amine, caustic,
carbonate). The paper also highlights published itiormation regarding these forms of corrosive degradation and their mitigation and remediation. Keywords: sulfide stress cracking, SSC, hydrogen induced cracking, HIC, stress oriented hydrogen induced cracking, SOHIC, steel, hydrogen sulfide, H2S,NACE 8X294