
Weld Jointing Influence on Boiler Tube Sheet Integrity

Boiler system is one of the most critical systems for a utility plant. A utility plant had experienced high percentages of boiler downtime owing to boiler tube sheet cracking failures. Investigations carried out revealed high stress at the tube-to-tube sheet joint in the boiler fire-side entrance. Tube-to-tube sheet joints at the boiler fire-side entrance had been fabricated by strength welding and without any expansion. The strength welded joint had created undue stress leading to cracking of the weld joint by thermal expansion. A higher quality expanded joint consisting of expanding, flaring and seal welding the fire-side entrance was implemented during the re-tube process. The utility plant has now zero downtime due to boiler tube failure. This article summarizes the description and history of failures with the boiler at the utility plant; investigations and corrective actions carried out; and the present improved condition of the boilers.

Product Number: MPWT19-14366
Author: Sameer Ayyar, Mahmood Al-Ridy, Farhat Choudhary, Adi Alammari, Itoro Akrasi
Publication Date: 2019
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08436 Boiler Tube Failures and Integrity Assessment

Product Number: 51300-08436-SG
ISBN: 08436 2008 CP
Author: Mohamed A. Saleem and Abdulwahab Hulaibi
Publication Date: 2008