
Stop Hiring Bad Employees!

A shrinking pool of quality employee candidates has made it increasingly difficult to hire good people for your business. A band of inferior hopefuls stand outside your door, hoping to gain entry and wreak havoc in your business – you represent the only barrier that keeps them from coming through. Being able to see through their smoke and mirrors will improve the odds of hiring someone that will represent you and your company well.

Product Number: 41207-336-SG
Author: Stephen M. Heckman
Publication Date: 2007
Industry: Coatings

A shrinking pool of quality employee candidates has made it increasingly difficult to hire good people for your business. A band of inferior hopefuls stand outside your door, hoping to gain entry and wreak havoc in your business – you represent the only barrier that keeps them from coming through. Being able to see through their smoke and mirrors will improve the odds of hiring someone that will represent you and your company well.

A shrinking pool of quality employee candidates has made it increasingly difficult to hire good people for your business. A band of inferior hopefuls stand outside your door, hoping to gain entry and wreak havoc in your business – you represent the only barrier that keeps them from coming through. Being able to see through their smoke and mirrors will improve the odds of hiring someone that will represent you and your company well.

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