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Inspection of deaerator system welds. Boiler feedwater deaerator cracking. Design and fabrication of vessels and repair of existing vessels. Operational and water chemistry parameters.
BESTSELLER! Addresses procedures for inspection of deaerator heater and water storage vessel welds, including reinspection criteria and qualification of personnel; factors influencing boiler feedwater deaerator cracking based on literature references and case history analyses; standardized nomenclature of deaerator vessel welds and cracking; guidelines for materials, design, fabrication, inspection, and acceptance criteria for new deaerator vessels and for repair of existing deaerator vessels; and operational and water chemistry parameters that may influence deaerator deterioration.
Key words: deaerator cracking, design, fabrication, inspection, repairs.
HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. Guidelines to prevent environmental cracking of weldments in carbon steel refinery equipment and piping. Welding processes: SMAW, GMAW, FCAW, GTAW and SAW.
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HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. Designing, fabricating, and/or maintaining carbon steel equipment and piping that is exposed to caustic environments. Incorporates findings of a 1999 survey as they apply to refinery applications.
HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. Test for the presence of surface soluble salts before application of a coating system. Previously coated or eplacement substrates only. Does not include allowable limits of soluble salts.