
Quantitative Evaluation of Oil Field Corrosion Inhibitors in the Laboratory: The First Step for Successful Application of Inhibitors in the Field

Time tested and proven methods to control corrosion are use of appropriate materials coating cathodic protection (CP) and corrosion inhibitors. All these methods must of selected based on rigorous and quantitative evaluation in the laboratory i.e. laboratory evaluation is the first step and it includes:<ol><li>Establishment of appropriate laboratory methodologies </li><li>Establishment of step by step procedures to conduct evaluation using the appropriate laboratory methodologies identified</li><li>Comparison of the test results obtained with standard reference test results (published by Standards making organizations such as NACE International ASTM International and CSA International based on inter-laboratory tests carried out under standard conditions)</li></ol>The above three steps are religiously and routinely carried out in the evaluation of materials coatings and CP and such requirements are incorporated in the regulations. Some common standards used for this purpose are:<ul><li>ISO15151/NACE MRO175 “Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries – Materials for Use in H2S-Containing Environments in Oil and Gas Production”</li><li>NACE SP169 “Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems” – See Criteria for CP (On-potential OFF-potential and 100-mV criteria)</li><li>CSA Z245.30 “Field-Applied External Coatings for Steel Pipeline Systems” – See for example one acceptance criteria: of cathodic disbondment: 24-hour cathodic disbondment test at 65oC producing less than 6.5 mm radius disbondment.</li></ul>The operators (e.g. laboratory technicians or field technologists) equipment and materials are qualified based on these criteria and these criteria are used as regulatory requirements in various countries. However such quantitative fundamental first step was not religiously followed in the evaluation corrosion inhibitors for oil field application. To address this several standards have been published over the past decade including ASTM G170 G184 G185 G202 G205 and G208 and NACE Technical Report 31215 (Laboratory Evaluation of Corrosion Inhibitors Used in Oil and Gas Industry) and some standards are being developed including NACE TG 550 “Standard Recommended Practice on Corrosion Inhibition Management for Oil and Gas Fields”.This paper:<ul><li>Presents tools techniques and data currently available to establish quantitative evaluation of corrosion inhibitors in the laboratory</li><li>Deliberates the responsibilities of oil and gas owners/operators tool developers inhibitor supplying companies inhibitor testing laboratories and regulatory body in establishing quantitative evaluation of corrosion inhibitors in the laboratory</li><li>Presents steps to effective and economically control internal corrosion using corrosion inhibitors in the oil and gas production transmission storage and distribution environments.</li></ul>

Product Number: 51319-12878-SG
Author: Sankara Papavinasam
Publication Date: 2019
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Pipeline Predictive Analytics Through On-Line Remote Corrosion Monitoring

Product Number: 51319-12899-SG
Author: Ivan Stubelj
Publication Date: 2019

Pipelines are vast and complex networks delivering fossil fuel from remote locations to gas processing facilities refineries petrochemical manufacturers and refined products all the way to end users. Pipeline operators rely on Pipeline Integrity Management (PIM) systems to conduct safe and reliable hydrocarbon transportation operations cope with local regulations maximize transportation capacity and identify integrity threats.Internal and external corrosion are leading causes of incidents in pipelines that can lead to spills explosions and increased downtime. ASME describe the threats above as time-dependent; however they are commonly assessed with methods such as in-line inspection direct assessment and hydrostatic pressure tests whose measurement interval can range from months to years providing isolated snapshots throughout the pipeline lifetime. Moreover executing these techniques requires extensive planning and execution pipelines ready to accommodate in-line inspection tools and in some instances stop hydrocarbon transportation activities.Coping with increased demand pushes operators to boost their pipeline’s utilization rate to serve their customers and communities safely and reliably. In consequence PIM systems will require more data to constantly monitor dynamic changes along the infrastructure (either high consequence areas or not) and leverage predictive analytics. Increasing remote corrosion monitoring locations along several pipeline segments provide continuous input to feed PIM systems with on-line data that is seamlessly integrated into the operator’s control systems and data historian minimizing human intervention.This paper will explore remote corrosion monitoring technologies and how increasing real-time insights to risk maintenance and performance can increase reliability and decrease downtime through predictive analytics.

Picture for Over-the-line Potential Surveys for Indirect Condition Assessment of Water/Waste Water Pipelines: Case Studies
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Over-the-line Potential Surveys for Indirect Condition Assessment of Water/Waste Water Pipelines: Case Studies

Product Number: 51319-13003-SG
Author: Mersedeh Akhoondan
Publication Date: 2019

Failure of water/wastewater mains can result in high visibility repairs customer inconvenience and replacement costs. Preventive measures such as condition assessment for early recognition of corrosion in aging infrastructures is crucial for agencies from resiliency safety and economic standpoints but is not regulated as in the oil & gas industry. Internally deployed tools/technology or external excavations for direct assessment techniques provide valuable insight on the existing condition of buried structures but at a significant cost in terms of shutdown and technology expenses in addition to safety concerns for manned entries into confined spaces. Because of the cost and safety implications large diameter cement mortar lined (CML) pipe extensive and recurring direct assessments are less common in the water and wastewater industries. Indirect assessment techniques particularly the over-the-line potential surveys for condition assessment of water/wastewater lines can be conducted to determine active external corrosion areas. Traditionally over-the-line potential surveys were applied to electrically continuous pipelines. Most water/wastewater pipeline designs utilize rubber gasket bell-and-spigot joints. Unless electrical continuity is intentionally designed for the pipeline such joints result in a pipeline with no electrical continuity. This paper presents multiple case studies where over-the-line potential surveys were successfully applied on electrically discontinuous water pipelines. The results of over-the-line surveys correlated well with direct assessment techniques. The paper presents the methodology and results of such assessments and findings for various pipe materials.