
30+ Years of Effective Internal Corrosion Management Despite the Presence of Corrosive Acid Gases (5% H2S and 65% CO2) and Elemental Sulfur

The presence of high concentrations of acid gases (H2S and CO2) in combination with produced water and elemental sulfur will normally require that a corrosion resistant alloy (CRA) is selected as the material of construction for such oil & gas production facilities to ensure long-term pressure equipment integrity and reliability. This paper presents a 30+ year history of an asset with excellent mechanical integrity and reliability despite using carbon steel in the presence of wet gas containing 5% H2S 65% CO2 and elemental sulfur. This history includes a review of internal corrosion management data such as chemical qualification/injection history corrosion inhibitor residual analysis corrosion rate monitoring trends and continuous improvement efforts.Lessons learned are also provided to illustrate the evolutionary nature of the process that lead to the robust corrosion management program described herein. Key success factors such as robust corrosion control program design and field implementation continuous improvement through frequent review of monitoring data excellent leadership support and a multidisciplinary team approach are described.

Product Number: 51319-12999-SG
Author: Rotimi Ojifinni
Publication Date: 2019
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