
Proposed Crack Growth Rate Disposition Curves For Stress Corrosion Cracking Of Alloy 82 In BWR Environments

SCC in Fe- and Ni-base alloys has been observed in high temperature water, both in the laboratory tests and in BWRs. SCC results from complex interactions of ~10 primary variables and hundreds of secondary variables, broadly categorized in terms of stress, environment and microstructure.

Product Number: ED22-18349-SG
Author: Peter L. Andresen, Robert G. Carter, Katsuhiko Kumagai
Publication Date: 2022

An Expert Panel was convened in late 2017 to collect, screen, and evaluate Alloy 82 weld metal stress corrosion crack (SCC) growth data in BWR water. Alloy 82 shows higher SCC resistance in BWR environments than Alloys 182 and 132, so it is useful to characterize the impact on plant components by establishing a SCC growth rate disposition curve. After Expert Panel review and scoring, the data were
evaluated to establish crack growth rate (CGR) disposition curves. The database analysis was augmented by “on-the-fly” and “as-identical-as-possible” evaluations of key parameters.

An Expert Panel was convened in late 2017 to collect, screen, and evaluate Alloy 82 weld metal stress corrosion crack (SCC) growth data in BWR water. Alloy 82 shows higher SCC resistance in BWR environments than Alloys 182 and 132, so it is useful to characterize the impact on plant components by establishing a SCC growth rate disposition curve. After Expert Panel review and scoring, the data were
evaluated to establish crack growth rate (CGR) disposition curves. The database analysis was augmented by “on-the-fly” and “as-identical-as-possible” evaluations of key parameters.