
On-Line Real-Time Corrosion Monitoring Techniques Under Co2 - Brine Environment – Comparative Study

 Injection water/brine handling systems are important elements of the oil & gas field operations. This comparative study offers insights relevant to accuracy, sensitivity and responsiveness of different corrosion monitoring techniques in brine environment.


Product Number: 51317--9040-SG
ISBN: 9040 2017 CP
Author: Hui Li
Publication Date: 2017

Injection water/brine handling systems are important elements of the oil & gas field operations. Considering carbon steel as default material of construction for water/brine handling pipelines a rapid determination of steels’ corrosion is the key-element of the oil & gas field’s integrity management. Daily weekly or monthly- corrosion rate quantification with weight-loss coupons or permanent/periodic Ultrasonic Thickness (UT) measurements cannot provide measurements that can be correlated to process upsets. Real time monitoring is achievable through new technologies including high resolution electrical resistance (ER) technology and multiple electrochemical methods such as Linear Polarization Resistance (LPR) or Electrochemical Noise (ECN) provide capabilities for corrosion monitoring in the matter of hours minutes or seconds.ER technology depends on physical destruction of the sensing element. Simple correlations between corrosion rates sensor’s span (thickness) sensitivity and service life lead to situations when high-resolution ER technology becomes operationally impractical due to requirements for frequent replacement of sensing element. Conversely electrochemical techniques such as LPR or ECN due to the need for aqueous conductivity or presence of surface deposits that may engender depolarization of working electrode.Research undertaken by the authors’ organization has demonstrated that simultaneous application of different electrochemical techniques ECN Harmonic Distortion analysis (HDA) or Low Frequency Impedance (LFI) facilitates elimination of most of limitations related to traditional LPR. In this paper research focused on evaluation of on-line electrochemical corrosion monitoring incorporating multi-technique approach in varied concentrations of NaCl brines saturated with CO2 or CO2/O2 mixtures Is compared with high-resolution ER technology and weight loss coupon data. This comparative study offers insights relevant to accuracy sensitivity and responsiveness of different corrosion monitoring techniques evaluated.Key words: real time corrosion monitoring injection water brine CO2 carbon steel LPR ECN ER

Keywords: real time corrosion monitoring, injection water, brine, CO2, electrochemical measurement, electrical resistance


Injection water/brine handling systems are important elements of the oil & gas field operations. Considering carbon steel as default material of construction for water/brine handling pipelines a rapid determination of steels’ corrosion is the key-element of the oil & gas field’s integrity management. Daily weekly or monthly- corrosion rate quantification with weight-loss coupons or permanent/periodic Ultrasonic Thickness (UT) measurements cannot provide measurements that can be correlated to process upsets. Real time monitoring is achievable through new technologies including high resolution electrical resistance (ER) technology and multiple electrochemical methods such as Linear Polarization Resistance (LPR) or Electrochemical Noise (ECN) provide capabilities for corrosion monitoring in the matter of hours minutes or seconds.ER technology depends on physical destruction of the sensing element. Simple correlations between corrosion rates sensor’s span (thickness) sensitivity and service life lead to situations when high-resolution ER technology becomes operationally impractical due to requirements for frequent replacement of sensing element. Conversely electrochemical techniques such as LPR or ECN due to the need for aqueous conductivity or presence of surface deposits that may engender depolarization of working electrode.Research undertaken by the authors’ organization has demonstrated that simultaneous application of different electrochemical techniques ECN Harmonic Distortion analysis (HDA) or Low Frequency Impedance (LFI) facilitates elimination of most of limitations related to traditional LPR. In this paper research focused on evaluation of on-line electrochemical corrosion monitoring incorporating multi-technique approach in varied concentrations of NaCl brines saturated with CO2 or CO2/O2 mixtures Is compared with high-resolution ER technology and weight loss coupon data. This comparative study offers insights relevant to accuracy sensitivity and responsiveness of different corrosion monitoring techniques evaluated.Key words: real time corrosion monitoring injection water brine CO2 carbon steel LPR ECN ER

Keywords: real time corrosion monitoring, injection water, brine, CO2, electrochemical measurement, electrical resistance


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