
New Disposable Spray Systems: Quick to Change, Quick to Clean, Quick to Coat

People have been spraying two-component materials for decades.  Some processes are very rudimentary, such as mixing by hand and brushing the material on the surface.  More recent techniques would be impingement mixing the material (using air to force the materials together and then spraying the material on the surface).  

Product Number: 41205-182-SG
Author: Anthony R. Martucci
Publication Date: 2005

People have been spraying two-component materials for decades.  Some processes are very rudimentary, such as mixing by hand and brushing the material on the surface.  More recent techniques would be impingement mixing the material (using air to force the materials together and then spraying the material on the surface).  The future of surface coating is using a disposable spray system. The benefit of using a disposable spray system compared to a high pressure, high-cost impingement gun for two component adhesives and sealants are numerous and include time and money — two things that companies covet.

People have been spraying two-component materials for decades.  Some processes are very rudimentary, such as mixing by hand and brushing the material on the surface.  More recent techniques would be impingement mixing the material (using air to force the materials together and then spraying the material on the surface).  The future of surface coating is using a disposable spray system. The benefit of using a disposable spray system compared to a high pressure, high-cost impingement gun for two component adhesives and sealants are numerous and include time and money — two things that companies covet.

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