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Picture for Role of Metallographic Characterization in Failure Analysis – Case Studies
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Role of Metallographic Characterization in Failure Analysis – Case Studies

Product Number: MPWT19-14379
Author: Syed Ahsan Ali
Publication Date: 2019

Conducting a materials failure analysis requires a carefully planned series of steps intended to
arrive at the cause of the problem. Consistent with the current trend towards better accountability
and responsibility, failure analysis purpose has been extended in deciding which party may be
liable for losses, be they loss of production, property damage, injury, or fatality [1]. Hence it
increases the importance of proper implementation of characterization tools in failure analysis to
rightly identify the failure mode.
Present work discusses a few case studies to shed light upon the importance of the metallurgical
characterization tools and techniques in identification of correct failure mode. Some typical case
studies where metallography plays a very important role have been discussed, such as improper
welding joints which led to premature failure, sensitization and stress corrosion cracking in S.S.,
improper heat treatment and forging indicated the microstructures which led to the premature
failure. These cases are examples of only a few laboratory based investigations which justify that
without metallography it is not possible to diagnose the causes of premature failures.
Generally, examination of failed components commence with the low-power stereomicroscope
whereas hand-held magnifying lenses are still in wide use by experts to study fractures mostly
limited now for field purpose [2]. Metallographic examination typically is performed after nondestructive
and macroscopic examination procedures while using the light optical microscopy
which helps to assess the failure mode with respect to material defects, shortcomings in
processing, metallurgical changes etc. Since light optical microscopy has limited value for direct
observation of fracture surfaces (more limited for metals than non-metals), with still more factual
information can be gathered by scanning electron microscopy at higher magnification.

Picture for Role of Non-Metallic Inclusions and the Microstructure Constituents on HIC Performance
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Role of Non-Metallic Inclusions and the Microstructure Constituents on HIC Performance

Product Number: MPWT19-14439
Author: Amro Al-Hattab1,Diaa Elsanosy2, Gaurav Tomer3, Abdullah Al-Jarbou4
Publication Date: 2019

With increasing oil & gas demand and depletion of sweet reserves, oil & gas companies in the regional
economies are focusing towards the exploitation of sour resources. This necessitates the use of pipelines
and down-hole tubing made from special steels with significant resistance to hydrogen-induced cracking
(HIC). These steels are produced through specific technologies for enhanced chemical composition control
and microstructural engineering to incorporate the required strength, weld ability and improved HIC
resistance. It is well established that the HIC initiates at sites with microstructural heterogeneities whether
due to presence of gross nonmetallic inclusions or the micro-structural constituents. The presence of central
segregation further aggravates the conditions particularly when the final pipe sizes require the longitudinal
slitting of the coils. Presence of non-metallic inclusions in the steel makes it vulnerable to hydrogen-induced
cracking under wet H2S environment. The mechanism of HIC begins with the generation of hydrogen atoms
by corrosion reaction of H2S and Fe in the presence of free water. The hydrogen atoms then diffuse into
steel and accumulate around the inclusions. The higher number of inclusions equates to the more sites
available for hydrogen adsorption. Recombination of hydrogen atoms to H2 molecules builds up a heavy
gas pressure in the interface between matrix and inclusions. Cracking initiates because of the tensile stress
field caused by hydrogen gas pressure and crack propagates in the surrounding steel matrix. The
longitudinal slitting exposes the internal microstructural abnormalities to the skelp edges which are then
incorporated in the thermally stressed weld zone. While the post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) mostly
homogenizes the weld zone microstructure, the presence of excessive central line features cannot be
completely removed thereby making this zone more prone to HIC attack

Picture for Root Cause Analysis of a 30-inch Water Concrete Reinforced Pipe Rupture
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Root Cause Analysis of a 30-inch Water Concrete Reinforced Pipe Rupture

Product Number: 51319-13060-SG
Author: Alejandrino Ruiz Alvarez
Publication Date: 2019

With over 7 decades of wide scale use of concrete reinforced pipe within infrastructure and water utilities in the United States the overall experience has generally been good. However intermittently problems can recur and drastically affect its performance. One such high profile and never the less recurring problem associated with concrete reinforced pipe has been discussed in this paper.In 2012 a rupture occurred on a 30-inch concrete reinforced water main pipe in the Northeastern United States. The 30-inch water main is a prestressed concrete cylinder pipe (PCCP). PCCP is a composite pipe material mainly composed of concrete (concrete core) steel cylinder (or steel liner) mortar/concrete coating and prestressed/high-tension wires wrapped around the steel cylinder which is outside of concrete core.Penspen Corporation Houston were contracted by the water main operator to carry out an independent diagnostic Root Cause Analysis (RCA) to determine the probable physical root cause(s) of the concrete reinforced pipe rupture and subsequent functional failure of the water pipe at the failure location and to identify the contributing failure factors.A detailed laboratory program for concrete and steel (wire and sleeve) specimens from both the immediate location of the rupture and locations away from the rupture for testing and comparison was recommended. The tests recommended included: visual inspection comprehensive metallurgical analysis of the material steel properties testing and concrete petrographic analysis.Laboratory test results revealed unusual anomalous corrosion pattern that occurred near the sleeve. The results indicated that the corrosion to the sleeve and wires at the rupture location occurred primarily to the outside surface of the sleeve/wire construct. That is only minor corrosion was noted on the inside surface of the sleeve even near the rupture location. This suggests that the thick outer mortar layer of the pressure pipe had been structurally compromised at some time during its life and ground water had permeated onto the steel sleeve and wire. The test results also showed that the chlorine level was as high as 4.1 weight percent on the corroded wires and 3.0 weight percent on the corroded sleeve. These levels are alarmingly high and far above the levels normally found in soils and therefore they support the fact that crevice corrosion attack occurred over a long time upon the outer surfaces of the sleeve and high strength wires.Following a deductive-inductive analysis the hypothesis “Soil with high dissolved salts (mainly Chlorides)” was identified as the most probable intermediate physical root cause based on evidence obtained and laboratory testing results for this RCA.This paper provides an overview adopted methodology analysis results interpretation for the different stages of this root cause analysis key findings with a discussion of the contributing failure factors and key recommendations to be considered with same service PCCP and external environment.

Picture for Rotational Lining System and Use of High-Performance Thermoplastics
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Rotational Lining System and Use of High-Performance Thermoplastics

Product Number: MPWT19-15307
Author: Derek Lowth, Murali Adhyatmabhattar, Emma Mitchell
Publication Date: 2019

Protecting carbon steel oil and gas pipelines with thermoplastic liners is a proven and cost-effective solution to prevent internal corrosion and abrasion. However, the industry is still facing considerable challenges when it comes to fittings and accessories such as elbows, tees, process equipment and complicated shapes.
Rotational lining (aka rotolining) is a technology which bonds a single/multi layered uniform, vacuum resistant, seamless polymer layer to the interior of virtually any metallic structure, regardless of shape and complexity. Once cooled, the result is a monolithic corrosion and chemical resistant lining that conforms to complex shapes and virtually free of stresses. This system results in a high quality and fully thermoplastic lined system.
Rotolining has been proven to provide long-term protection against corrosion and abrasion in various applications including saline water pipe systems, hydrocarbon service, mining and highly aggressive chemical service. This lining system can cover a wide range of fluid requirements, temperatures and applications using high-performance thermoplastics such as HDPE, PA-12, PVDF, ETFE and PFA. Rotolining is a cost-effective alternative to conventional solutions such as FBE, corrosion resistant alloy cladding or continuous chemical injection programs.
In this paper, some of the insights of the rotational lining system and usage of different high-performance thermoplastics are shared. This includes some very challenging and internationally proven case studies, which substantially benefited the entire value chain as long-term solutions

Picture for Scale Cause Analysis and Control Practice for Water Injection Wells
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Scale Cause Analysis and Control Practice for Water Injection Wells

Product Number: 51321-16773-SG
Author: Xiang Zhou; Zhengrong Ye; Weidong Jiang; Xiaodong Cui; Donghong Guo; Guohao Chen; Huachang Chi; Feifei Huo; Zhiwen Yang; Yingfeng Chen; Lei Zhang
Publication Date: 2021
Picture for Scale Formation And Wetting Of Surfaces: A Microfluidics Investigation
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Scale Formation And Wetting Of Surfaces: A Microfluidics Investigation

Product Number: 51321-16605-SG
Author: Α. Tzachristas/ R.E. Malamoudis/ D.G. Kanellopoulou/ J. Parthenios/ P.G. Koutsoukos/ C.Α. Paraskeva/ V. Sygouni
Publication Date: 2021