
Saltwater Corrosion of Ni-Al-Bronze Using Potentiodynamic Analysis

 The effects of saltwater corrosion resistance on Ni-Al-Bronze (UNS C63200) was determined using a double polarization curve. Samples were held at 1300ᵒ F to 1700ᵒ F overnight and then water quenched. One sample was given the standard anneal at 1225ᵒ F for six hours and then air cooled. The samples were tested in ASTM D1141synthetic seawater. Current as a function of voltage (versus the saturated calomel electrode) was measured. Both forward and reverse scans were applied to the samples. The forward scans showed distinct changes in the anodic peaks with the lower heat treatment temperatures having anodic peaks at higher voltages. The annealed sample had the lowest anodic peak.Key Words: nickel-aluminum bronze corrosion synthetic seawater heat treatment

Product Number: 51319-13333-SG
Author: Kenneth Benson
Publication Date: 2019
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