
ANSI/NACE MR0175-HD2000-SG Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistant Metallic Materials for Oilfield Equipment-HD2000

Metallic material requirements for resistance to sulfide stress cracking (SSC) for petroleum production, drilling, gathering and flowline equipment  and field processing facilities to be used in hydrogen sulfide (H2S)-bearing hydrocarbon service. Historical Document 2000

Product Number: 21302-HD2000
Author: NACE International
Publication Date: 2000


This standard presents metallic material requirements for resistance to sulfide stress cracking (SSC) for petroleum production, drilling, gathering and flowline equipment , and field processing facilities to be used in hydrogen sulfide (H2S)-bearing hydrocarbon service. This standard is applicable to the materials and/or equipment  specified by the materials standards institutions listed in Table 5 (or by equivalent standards or specifications of other agencies). This standard does not include and is not intended to include design specifications. 

Historical Document 2000

This standard presents metallic material requirements for resistance to sulfide stress cracking (SSC) for petroleum production, drilling, gathering and flowline equipment , and field processing facilities to be used in hydrogen sulfide (H2S)-bearing hydrocarbon service. This standard is applicable to the materials and/or equipment  specified by the materials standards institutions listed in Table 5 (or by equivalent standards or specifications of other agencies). This standard does not include and is not intended to include design specifications. 

Historical Document 2000