
Long Range Ordering In Thermally Treated And Cold-Worked Alloy 690

Nickel-chromium alloys may be susceptible to ordering under certain thermal aging conditions, resulting in the formation of an Ni2Cr phase. The Ni2Cr phase is a superlattice which can result in significant changes of the physical or mechanical properties compared to those of the disordered alloy. Alloy 690, which usually contains a bit less than two nickel atoms per chrom-ium atom, could potentially be susceptible to long-range ordering (LRO) or short-range ordering (SRO). SRO implies that a Cr atom has a high probability of having a Ni nearest neighbor and that small order domains containing at most a few atoms exist. LRO implies that small Ni2Cr clusters exist, and although they may not be visible by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) dark field imaging, they lead to the detection of
additional diffraction spots in selected area electron diffraction (SAED) patterns, contrary to SRO. Below the critical temperature for LRO, the formation of the long-range ordered structures is preceded by a period of short-range ordering. 

Product Number: ED22-17251-SG
Author: Daniel Brimbal, Pierre Joly, Claude Benhamou, Cécilie Duhamel, Michael A. Burke, Annie Pagès, Bénédicte Gueraud
Publication Date: 2022

Long-range ordering of Alloy 690 could compromise its excellent resistance to SCC in PWR primary and secondary water. Ni-Cr and Ni-Cr-Fe laboratory heats and Alloy 690 industrial heats were studied to understand long-range ordering kinetics. Prior to aging, industrially relevant heat treatments or coldwork were applied. Materials were aged at temperatures between 350 and 550°C, up to a maximum of 100 000 hours (at 360°C). After aging, long-range ordering is characterized by hardness, impact strength, resistivity measurements and TEM analyses. The experiments show that increasing the iron content tends to suppress long-range ordering.
Based on the long-range ordering incubation times observed for Alloy 690 and a conservative activation energy for long-range ordering incubation, the kinetics of long-range ordering of thermally treated and cold-worked Alloy 690 are discussed. Extrapolations show that, in general, long-range order should not occur in Alloy 690 within 80 years of operation at PWR relevant temperatures.

Long-range ordering of Alloy 690 could compromise its excellent resistance to SCC in PWR primary and secondary water. Ni-Cr and Ni-Cr-Fe laboratory heats and Alloy 690 industrial heats were studied to understand long-range ordering kinetics. Prior to aging, industrially relevant heat treatments or coldwork were applied. Materials were aged at temperatures between 350 and 550°C, up to a maximum of 100 000 hours (at 360°C). After aging, long-range ordering is characterized by hardness, impact strength, resistivity measurements and TEM analyses. The experiments show that increasing the iron content tends to suppress long-range ordering.
Based on the long-range ordering incubation times observed for Alloy 690 and a conservative activation energy for long-range ordering incubation, the kinetics of long-range ordering of thermally treated and cold-worked Alloy 690 are discussed. Extrapolations show that, in general, long-range order should not occur in Alloy 690 within 80 years of operation at PWR relevant temperatures.

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