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Picture for Experimental Design Considerations for Exposure of Surrogate Fe in Assessing Atmospheric Corrosion in a Marine Environment
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Experimental Design Considerations for Exposure of Surrogate Fe in Assessing Atmospheric Corrosion in a Marine Environment

Product Number: 51324-21077-SG
Author: Alexander Johnson; Christine Sanders; Raymond Santucci; Sheri Stanke
Publication Date: 2024
Picture for Experimental Evaluation Of Corrosion Modeling On Carbon Steel In Sub-Critical And Supercritical CO2 Environments
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Experimental Evaluation Of Corrosion Modeling On Carbon Steel In Sub-Critical And Supercritical CO2 Environments

Product Number: 51321-16750-SG
Author: Chin-Hua “Jim” Cheng; Raymundo Case
Publication Date: 2021
Picture for Experimental Investigation on the Corrosion Rate of L80-1Cr Steel in Seawater and Formation Water From a North Sea Offshore Field in CO2 Atmosphere
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Experimental Investigation on the Corrosion Rate of L80-1Cr Steel in Seawater and Formation Water From a North Sea Offshore Field in CO2 Atmosphere

Product Number: 51319-13061-SG
Author: Riccardo Rizzo
Publication Date: 2019

L80-1Cr is a common steel grade used in Oil & Gas applications as production tubing. This grade has been successfully employed in the industry for decades. However the used of injecting seawater (water flooding) as a mean of enhancing oil recovery significantly increases the risk of corrosion failure of the tubulars present in the well. When water is injected it will first displace the formation water already present in the reservoir which will enter in the production tubing together with the oil. With time the produced water chemistry will change from formation to seawater. Together with this other parameters like lower temperature and pH as a result of water flooding may have a significant impact on the corrosion resistance of tubing materials. Therefore the purpose of this investigation is to evaluate the effect of the seawater and formation water on the corrosion behavior of L80-1Cr in an oil production environment. The composition of the two waters and the testing condition replicates the real field situations experienced by operators in the Danish sector of the North Sea. The effect of Ca2+ and temperature are evaluated. Experiments were carried out at ambient pressure in a three-electrode cell setup. The atmosphere constituted of pure CO2 at three different temperatures namely: 40˚C 60˚C and 80. Linear Polarization and potentiodynamic sweeps were used to investigate the electrochemical behavior. The corrosion products and precipitates were analyzed using XRD SEM-EDS. Calcium carbonate together with amorphous iron carbonate was the main product found on the surfaces and it made the deposit more porous and brittle and therefore less protective.

Picture for Experimental Study and Finite Element Modelling of the Cathodic Protection Influence on Parallel Pipelines During Maintenance Operations
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Experimental Study and Finite Element Modelling of the Cathodic Protection Influence on Parallel Pipelines During Maintenance Operations

Product Number: 51324-20713-SG
Author: Erwan Diler; Yves Zannier; Alexandre Billot; Flavien Vucko; Tiphaine Lutzler
Publication Date: 2024
Dense buried pipelines network, such as in implemented in parallel, can be installed in different process and storage mills, such as geological gas and hydrocarbon storages. Their corrosion resistance is ensured by a combination of organic coating and cathodic protection (CP). For maintenance operation on a specific pipeline, the CP can be turned off for safety reasons. Thus, the operated pipeline can be affected by CP influence from other surrounding protected ones. This phenomenon is supported in the field by different pigging inspections, highlighting local corrosion induced by output stray current on coating defects. In the literature, many studies focused on CP influences by finite and/or boundary element modeling. However, usually the foreign structures considered (under influence) are limited to bare steel or fully coated pipeline. Moreover, most of these studies are not confronted with experimental works. To our knowledge, the actual influence between the different pipelines is not much documented in the literature and not quantified. In this study, an experiment consisting in 3.00 x 1.80 x 0.80 m sand tank, equipped with 4 full scale parallel pipelines, with 17 model defects were realized. The model defects reproduce uniformly degraded coating and local defects. The experimental work allows i) measuring the DC influence under different CP configurations, and ii) providing stray current data for finite element modelling (FEM). The FEM was performed in a two steps i) a CP distribution in terms of current demand and electric field on protected pipelines, and ii) application of this electric field to the foreign pipeline. The good agreement obtained allows a validation the proposed approach and globally assess the riskier scenario in terms of nature of the defect, applied CP and soil environment.
Picture for Exploration of the Influence of Microbe Availability on MIC of Steel Marine Fouling Environments
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Exploration of the Influence of Microbe Availability on MIC of Steel Marine Fouling Environments

Product Number: 51319-13461-SG
Author: Samanbar Permeh
Publication Date: 2019

Anomalous localized corrosion of submerged steel H-piles was detected in a Florida bridge spanning over a brackish river. Microbiological and chemical analysis of the waters samples showed high population of sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) and high concentration of sulfate ions. The steel piles had noticeable heavy marine growth which were thought to have an effect on corrosion process by supporting biofilm development creating localized corrosion and differential aeration cells. As part of ongoing research to identify the role of physical properties of macrofouling on the aggravation of microbiologically influences corrosion(MIC) of submerged steel bridge the objective of the work presented here was to identify the influence of microbe availability to promote SRB proliferation under occluded and porous fouling spaces and development of MIC there. Both laboratory and field exposure tests were conducted. Laboratory experiments were carried out in nutrient-rich environments inoculated with SRB with both occluded and porous crevice conditions characteristic of hard and soft marine fouling. Field exposure tests included long term exposure of steel coupons subjected to varying submersion depths in the river at the Florida bridge site. Electrochemical tests included the measurement of open circuit potential (OCP) linear polarization resistance (LPR) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). It was confirmed that SRB proliferation can occur as the macroorganism can accommodate different environmental condition. Occurrence of severe corrosion conditions was shown to be possible in the presence of macrofoulers and SRB.

Picture for Exploring CO2 Annular Corrosion In Flexible Pipes At Different Pressures
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Exploring CO2 Annular Corrosion In Flexible Pipes At Different Pressures

Product Number: 51321-16796-SG
Author: Maira Eleni Mitzithra; John Rothwell; Shiladitya Paul; Fabricio Pinheiro dos Santos
Publication Date: 2021