
High Level Corrosion Risk Assessment Methodology For Refined Hydrocarbon Products

Assessing corrosion risks and developing inspection and mitigation measures forms a vital part of any Asset Integrity Management (AIM) system. Improving asset reliability is crucial as the risks attached with the asset failure can be catastrophic in terms of human life environment and monetary loss. Knowledge about the asset degradation mechanisms affects critical decisions regarding maintenance inspection regimes and investment plans. Typically less than 10% of assets carry 95% of the risk thus making higher knowledge of individual “asset” integrity key to minimizing risk across any one business system. Achieving this highest possible performance of an asset against the lowest possible costs whilst ensuring safe operation is a challenge faced by many operators. Most of the emphasis from operators is given to upstream and processing facilities that hold a valid high in service deterioration risk because they face harsh and corrosive conditions. However the facilities installed downstream in particular the storage and transport of refined hydrocarbon products are often considered in the same “fit and forget” philosophy. Operators often apply makeshift solutions in case of any failure but problems can recur which besides denting the operational excellence can affect the environment and safety.Refined hydrocarbon products such as Jet A1 LPG and ULG 91/95 etc. are not generally corrosive to the metals and alloys that are used for their storage and transport; however they do contain dissolved water organic sulphides and oxygen containing compounds that can cause corrosion over the time. Conventional corrosion prediction models are not relevant since the acid gases are not present. In order to overcome this limitation and to allow corrosion risk assessment of both existing and aging facilities an alternative in-house corrosion risk assessment methodology has been developed. This methodology helps in order to dilute the corrosion risks associated with these facilities in a well-structured process as practiced for one of the major operators in the Middle East. This paper discusses the methodology used to model the corrosion rates and risk assessment involving both probability and consequences within these product streams.Key Words: jet A1 unleaded gasoline (ULG) liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) oxygen flowrate carbon dioxide (CO2) hydrogen sulphide (H2S)

Product Number: 51319-13047-SG
Author: Mushaid Nauman
Publication Date: 2019
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