
Fallacy Concerning Life Expectancy of Polymer Linings and Repairing Them

The intent of this presentation is to outline a procedure that if followed Polymer Linings will protect the customer’s assets for many years. The perception is that Polymer Linings only last for 6-8 years then they have to be totally removed. This presentation will show if proper procedures are followed Polymer Linings that have been in service for many tears do not necessarily have to be totally removed.

Product Number: 41210-528-SG
Author: David Brysacz
Publication Date: 2010
Industry: Coatings

The intent of this presentation is to outline a procedure that if followed Polymer Linings will protect the customer’s assets for many years. The perception is that Polymer Linings only last for 6-8 years then they have to be totally removed. This presentation will show if proper procedures are followed Polymer Linings that have been in service for many tears do not necessarily have to be totally removed.

The intent of this presentation is to outline a procedure that if followed Polymer Linings will protect the customer’s assets for many years. The perception is that Polymer Linings only last for 6-8 years then they have to be totally removed. This presentation will show if proper procedures are followed Polymer Linings that have been in service for many tears do not necessarily have to be totally removed.

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