
51313-02794-Evaluation of Corrosion-Resistant Reactive Vitreous Steel Fixtures for Masonry Walls

Product Number: 51313-02794-SG
ISBN: 02794 2013 CP
Author: Robert Moser
Publication Date: 2013

The most common steel fixtures used in hollow-core masonry walls are the wall ties that attach the brick veneer wall (outer wythe) to a concrete masonry wall or a steel or wooden joists behind the wall.  These fittings prevent wind pressure from deflecting the outer wythe typically clay brick.  The ties consist of a wire bail or pintle that is imbedded in the mortar joints of the outer wall and a sheet metal bracket that is attached to the inner wall.  The strength of the anchor to the outer wall depends on the strength of the bond from the pintle to the mortar.  Corrosion of the pintle in the mortar can crack the mortar and weaken the wall. Corrosion of the pintle or the bracket in the cavity between the withes can detach the inner and outer components and make the outer wall vulnerable to wind damage.  The bond to the mortar and the corrosion-resistance both metal parts are critical to the structural integrity of the wall.  By using a pintle and bracket that are coated with vitreous enamel and are manufactured with a outer reactive layer to improve the bond to the mortar the parts where corrosion can weaken the wall are protected and the security and durability of the hollow-core wall can be greatly improved.  Test of the new coating system for wall ties is underway at Ft. Stewart Georgia and inspections of specially constructed wall sections and exposure tests conducted on the ties indicates the vitreous enamel coating is performing satisfactorily.

The most common steel fixtures used in hollow-core masonry walls are the wall ties that attach the brick veneer wall (outer wythe) to a concrete masonry wall or a steel or wooden joists behind the wall.  These fittings prevent wind pressure from deflecting the outer wythe typically clay brick.  The ties consist of a wire bail or pintle that is imbedded in the mortar joints of the outer wall and a sheet metal bracket that is attached to the inner wall.  The strength of the anchor to the outer wall depends on the strength of the bond from the pintle to the mortar.  Corrosion of the pintle in the mortar can crack the mortar and weaken the wall. Corrosion of the pintle or the bracket in the cavity between the withes can detach the inner and outer components and make the outer wall vulnerable to wind damage.  The bond to the mortar and the corrosion-resistance both metal parts are critical to the structural integrity of the wall.  By using a pintle and bracket that are coated with vitreous enamel and are manufactured with a outer reactive layer to improve the bond to the mortar the parts where corrosion can weaken the wall are protected and the security and durability of the hollow-core wall can be greatly improved.  Test of the new coating system for wall ties is underway at Ft. Stewart Georgia and inspections of specially constructed wall sections and exposure tests conducted on the ties indicates the vitreous enamel coating is performing satisfactorily.

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