
51313-02380-Deep Water Oil Production Tubing Material Under Supercritical CO2 Env.: Effect of Pressure and Temp.

Product Number: 51313-02380-SG
ISBN: 02380 2013 CP
Author: Yoon-Seok Choi
Publication Date: 2013

The objective of the present study is to evaluate the corrosion properties of carbon steel in supercritical CO2/brine mixtures related to the deepwater oil production development. Corrosion tests were performed in 25 wt.% NaCl solution under different CO2 partial pressures (4 8 12 MPa) and temperatures (65 90oC). Corrosion behavior of carbon steel was evaluated by using electrochemical methods (LPR EIS and potentiodynamic polarization) weight loss measurements and surface analytical techniques (SEM EDS and XRD). The corrosion rates measured at 65oC showed a high corrosion rate (~ 10 mm/y) and slight difference with pressure. Under these conditions the sample surface was locally covered by iron carbide (Fe3C) which is porous and non-protective. However the corrosion rates measured at 90oC increased with time at the initial periods of the test and decreased to very low value (~ 0.05 mm/y) due to the formation of protective FeCO3 layer regardless the CO2 partial pressure.

The objective of the present study is to evaluate the corrosion properties of carbon steel in supercritical CO2/brine mixtures related to the deepwater oil production development. Corrosion tests were performed in 25 wt.% NaCl solution under different CO2 partial pressures (4 8 12 MPa) and temperatures (65 90oC). Corrosion behavior of carbon steel was evaluated by using electrochemical methods (LPR EIS and potentiodynamic polarization) weight loss measurements and surface analytical techniques (SEM EDS and XRD). The corrosion rates measured at 65oC showed a high corrosion rate (~ 10 mm/y) and slight difference with pressure. Under these conditions the sample surface was locally covered by iron carbide (Fe3C) which is porous and non-protective. However the corrosion rates measured at 90oC increased with time at the initial periods of the test and decreased to very low value (~ 0.05 mm/y) due to the formation of protective FeCO3 layer regardless the CO2 partial pressure.

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