
51313-02381-Deep Water Oil Production Tubing Material Under Supercritical CO2 Env.: Effect of Crude Oil & Flow

Product Number: 51313-02381-SG
ISBN: 02381 2013 CP
Author: Fernando Farelas
Publication Date: 2013

Deep water oil production tubing materials are exposed to high CO2 pressure and temperature conditions that can affect the corrosion performance of such materials. The present study aimed to evaluate the corrosion behavior of carbon steel exposed to supercritical CO2/oil/brine mixtures at different water cuts (0 30 50 70 and 100%) CO2 partial pressures (8 and 12 MPa) and temperatures (65 and 90oC) in a flowing 25 wt.% NaCl solution. Corrosion behavior of carbon steel was evaluated by using electrical resistance (ER) measurements weight loss measurements and surface analytical techniques (SEM and EDS). The corrosion rates of carbon steel increased with increasing water cut. There was no indication of corrosion attack with 0% water cut. At low water cuts (30 and 50%) the steel surface was covered by iron carbonate (FeCO3) while iron carbide (Fe3C) was present on the steel surface at higher water cuts (70 and 100%) with very high corrosion rates. In addition the presence of flow prevented the formation of protective FeCO3 at high water cut conditions.

Deep water oil production tubing materials are exposed to high CO2 pressure and temperature conditions that can affect the corrosion performance of such materials. The present study aimed to evaluate the corrosion behavior of carbon steel exposed to supercritical CO2/oil/brine mixtures at different water cuts (0 30 50 70 and 100%) CO2 partial pressures (8 and 12 MPa) and temperatures (65 and 90oC) in a flowing 25 wt.% NaCl solution. Corrosion behavior of carbon steel was evaluated by using electrical resistance (ER) measurements weight loss measurements and surface analytical techniques (SEM and EDS). The corrosion rates of carbon steel increased with increasing water cut. There was no indication of corrosion attack with 0% water cut. At low water cuts (30 and 50%) the steel surface was covered by iron carbonate (FeCO3) while iron carbide (Fe3C) was present on the steel surface at higher water cuts (70 and 100%) with very high corrosion rates. In addition the presence of flow prevented the formation of protective FeCO3 at high water cut conditions.

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