The preferred method of new pipeline construction for a major liquid products transmission company at significant watercourse and roadway crossings is horizontal directional drilling (HDD). This Operator is responsible for a pipeline network with a total length of over 25 000 km’s containing 100’s of HDD and bored crossings throughout North America. Pipelines installed by horizontal directional drilling have an increased likelihood of experiencing coating damage as opposed to those constructed through conventional open trench techniques. Current available methods for identifying damaged coating regions within pipe installed by HDD cannot always provide absolute or accurate information on the location size and geometry of the holidays. Although cathodic protection monitoring at HDD locations can typically be validated within the entry/exit extremities; the region between is either assumed or speculated. Additionally if coating damage is situated in the mid-region of the HDD in a high resistivity rock stratum insufficient current may be available to reach and protect the defects. Locations under such circumstances will not be protected and susceptible to corrosion. The Company has initiated a comprehensive evaluation of the CP performance at HDD locations. The approach utilizes a combination of monitoring techniques and field surveys with computational modeling technology to ascertain the external corrosion threat on pipelines within HDD locations.This article discusses a proof-of-concept for measuring procedures and demonstrates how field data is applied into computational modeling for predicting the CP effectiveness throughout critical inaccessible regions of the HDD’s.Keywords: cathodic protection horizontal directional drilling HDD pipeline crossings test procedure predictive model CP management