
51313-02604-Corrosion Evaluation of Repair-Grouted Post-Tensioned Tendons in Presence of Bleed Water

Product Number: 51313-02604-SG
ISBN: 02604 2013 CP
Author: Kingsley Lau
Publication Date: 2013

Grout in post-tensioned tendons with varying amounts of void formation and material segregation was characterized as having dissimilar properties in chemistry which may promote corrosion activity. Common commercially available grout materials were evaluated to address concerns related to future corrosion development and progression upon strands in void areas that have undergone post-construction grouting. The study examined the extent to which corrosion may develop for repaired PT systems in which void spaces have been re-grouted with dissimilar grouting materials and where differences in pore water chemistry may contribute to corrosion development. The study examined the extent to which corrosion of strands may form on strand initially exposed to bleed water in void spaces and subsequently repaired with dissimilar grout.

Grout in post-tensioned tendons with varying amounts of void formation and material segregation was characterized as having dissimilar properties in chemistry which may promote corrosion activity. Common commercially available grout materials were evaluated to address concerns related to future corrosion development and progression upon strands in void areas that have undergone post-construction grouting. The study examined the extent to which corrosion may develop for repaired PT systems in which void spaces have been re-grouted with dissimilar grouting materials and where differences in pore water chemistry may contribute to corrosion development. The study examined the extent to which corrosion of strands may form on strand initially exposed to bleed water in void spaces and subsequently repaired with dissimilar grout.

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