
51313-02649-Comparison of Phosphate and 2-Aminoethanol on Scaling and Corrosion in a 10 MPa Class Boiler

Product Number: 51313-02649-SG
ISBN: 02649 2013 CP
Author: Hiroyasu Matsuda
Publication Date: 2013

GenerallyFAC (Flow Accelerated Corrosion) occurs at boiler feed water carbon steel line between dearator and boiler. The influence of FAC is not only the metal loss but also iron ion enters the boiler and the iron rust precipitates at inner tube wall. There the efficiency of heat transfer rate becomes worse. The scale deposit cause metal temperature increase and creep failure occur. But It is revealed from the data in the actual boiler system that phosphorus ion prevents from the precipitation of iron oxide because avoid of cohesion and adhesion of suspended iron rust.

GenerallyFAC (Flow Accelerated Corrosion) occurs at boiler feed water carbon steel line between dearator and boiler. The influence of FAC is not only the metal loss but also iron ion enters the boiler and the iron rust precipitates at inner tube wall. There the efficiency of heat transfer rate becomes worse. The scale deposit cause metal temperature increase and creep failure occur. But It is revealed from the data in the actual boiler system that phosphorus ion prevents from the precipitation of iron oxide because avoid of cohesion and adhesion of suspended iron rust.

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