
51317--9516-Combining Field Data Lab Tests Modeling and LCCA to Select Optimal Repair Options

Optimized solutions for long service-life of concrete structures in aggressive environments. Collecting data on structures. Extracting and testing cores from selected elements. Data input to a mechanistic chloride transport model. Remediation scenarios modeled. The cost of each scenario can be compared. Case studies.

Product Number: 51317--9516-SG
ISBN: 9516 2017 CP
Author: Eric Samson
Publication Date: 2017
Industry: Highways & Bridges

The paper presents a complete methodology that allows selecting optimized solutions for the extension of service-life of concrete structures exposed to aggressive environments. The methodology combines the use of field data and advanced modeling in a comprehensive approach. The first step of the method consists in collecting data on the structures using a combination of techniques such as half-cell potential and linear polarization. The field activities also include extracting cores from selected concrete elements. Samples from cores are tested to measure physical and chemical properties of the material. The data generated from the previous steps are used as input parameters in an advanced mechanistic chloride transport model to predict future performances of the structure. Depending on the results different remediation scenarios can be modeled such as concrete repairs sealer applications and cathodic protection and compared to the simulations where no actions are taken. The cost of each remediation scenario can be compared to its benefit which allows selecting optimized solutions. The paper provides a detailed description of each step. Case studies are then presented to illustrate the use of the methodology for different concrete structural elements.

Key words: chloride ingress, field data, modeling, concrete structures, repair, remediation.



The paper presents a complete methodology that allows selecting optimized solutions for the extension of service-life of concrete structures exposed to aggressive environments. The methodology combines the use of field data and advanced modeling in a comprehensive approach. The first step of the method consists in collecting data on the structures using a combination of techniques such as half-cell potential and linear polarization. The field activities also include extracting cores from selected concrete elements. Samples from cores are tested to measure physical and chemical properties of the material. The data generated from the previous steps are used as input parameters in an advanced mechanistic chloride transport model to predict future performances of the structure. Depending on the results different remediation scenarios can be modeled such as concrete repairs sealer applications and cathodic protection and compared to the simulations where no actions are taken. The cost of each remediation scenario can be compared to its benefit which allows selecting optimized solutions. The paper provides a detailed description of each step. Case studies are then presented to illustrate the use of the methodology for different concrete structural elements.

Key words: chloride ingress, field data, modeling, concrete structures, repair, remediation.



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