When “dried” CO2 is injected into a reservoir for the purpose of either disposal or to assist in secondary recovery then the well construction materials choice is simplified and low-alloy steel can be used. But the consequences of a leakage of this fluid into a CO2 injection well “A-annulus” has to the construction materials has also to be considered and evaluated.To determine the corrosion risks related to either a single or continuous leakage into a CO2 injection wells “A-annulus” a series of laboratory corrosion tests were performed to simulate such events.The results indicated that when NaCl brine is used as the packer fluid then as might be expected severe corrosion damage can be a consequence. Therefore in an attempt to eliminate the risk severe corrosion damage an alternative packer fluid was investigated.This paper will describe the laboratory corrosion tests performed the results obtained and the recommended approach for a packer fluid to avoid severe corrosion damage.