
08290 Remote Monitoring of Pipeline Corrosion Using Fiber Optic Sensors

Product Number: 51300-08290-SG
ISBN: 08290 2008 CP
Author: S. Cauchi and W. Morison
Publication Date: 2008
One of the challenges in the pipeline industry is how to readily access accurate internal corrosion data without numerous site visits. The remoteness of the numerous areas of concern adds to the difficulty of monitoring the progress of the corrosion. One solution recently deployed by a fiber optic company, combines a very sensitive non-intrusive fiber optic wall thickness sensor system with networked monitoring instrumentation and a cell-based modem. This system allows remote tracking of pipeline corrosion anywhere cell phone coverage is available.
One of the challenges in the pipeline industry is how to readily access accurate internal corrosion data without numerous site visits. The remoteness of the numerous areas of concern adds to the difficulty of monitoring the progress of the corrosion. One solution recently deployed by a fiber optic company, combines a very sensitive non-intrusive fiber optic wall thickness sensor system with networked monitoring instrumentation and a cell-based modem. This system allows remote tracking of pipeline corrosion anywhere cell phone coverage is available.
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