
08292 Experiences of Remote Monitoring and Controling Systems in CP

Product Number: 51300-08292-SG
ISBN: 08292 2008 CP
Author: Hong Song, Kyoung Park, and Young Kim
Publication Date: 2008
A lot of implementations based on IT technology advances have been tested in an attempt to get a stable and efficient automated system that can obtain CP data and enable CP system control in KOGAS. After applying a few types during the last decade, several problematic issues in terms of the device itself and field application have arisen. This paper covers problems issued in initial stages, upgraded functions on newly developed automated systems, and its performance results.
A lot of implementations based on IT technology advances have been tested in an attempt to get a stable and efficient automated system that can obtain CP data and enable CP system control in KOGAS. After applying a few types during the last decade, several problematic issues in terms of the device itself and field application have arisen. This paper covers problems issued in initial stages, upgraded functions on newly developed automated systems, and its performance results.
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