
08210 Fastener Material Compatibility Evaluation for US Marine Corps Ground Vehicles

Product Number: 51300-08210-SG
ISBN: 08210 2008 CP
Author: Leonardo Caseres and Darrell Dunn
Publication Date: 2008
Corrosion of threaded fastener materials is an issue on multiple combat and combat support vehicles used by the US Marine Corps. Material selections for these components are based on numerous criteria such as strength, ballistics, and formability. When the protective paint systems are compromised, galvanic corrosion of the dissimilar materials is likely in environments with high relative humidity or in the presence of salt spray. Testing of fastener materials was conducted to determine compatibility with structural materials such as aluminum and steel. Electrochemical tests were used to measure corrosion rates and identify material compatibility.
Corrosion of threaded fastener materials is an issue on multiple combat and combat support vehicles used by the US Marine Corps. Material selections for these components are based on numerous criteria such as strength, ballistics, and formability. When the protective paint systems are compromised, galvanic corrosion of the dissimilar materials is likely in environments with high relative humidity or in the presence of salt spray. Testing of fastener materials was conducted to determine compatibility with structural materials such as aluminum and steel. Electrochemical tests were used to measure corrosion rates and identify material compatibility.
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