Vapor phase inhibitors for functional fluids.Alla Furman Ph.D. Liz Austin Boris Miksic FNACECortec CorporationAbstractAddition of corrosion inhibitors to lubricating compounds prolongs the service life of machinery during its working application and in storage.Criteria of selecting corrosion inhibitor for the equipment during transportation storage and mothballing based on their level of corrosion protection for all metal elements while being compatible with polymers (e.g. hoses and seals) and installed lubricants.According to the application requirements the tests for such products include: evaluation of their performance in environmental chambers including humidity and salt fog evaluating of vapor corrosion inhibition immersion and other corrosion tests.In operating equipment corrosion inhibitors added to lubricating fluids should not negatively affect their lubricity oil-water separation and other properties important for such fluids. Evaluation of the fluid with added corrosion inhibitor includes in addition to corrosion tests testing of the essential properties listed in the fluid specifications.This paper presents the formulating approaches and evaluation of the performance of corrosion inhibiting additives in functional fluids. Testing program based on widely adopted standards.Key words: Vapor corrosion inhibition ASTM tests oil based and synthetic hydraulics and turbine fluids lubricating oils.