
Thermal Spray Duplex Case Study: Coating An In-Service Bridge

This presentation discusses the preparation and coating of an in-service (in field) bridge that serves as a main thoroughfare in a small town. The coating consisted of thermal spray zinc with a top-coating, also known as a duplex system. The department of transportation (DOT) and bridge owner selected this coating system for corrosion protection and aesthetics. Special focus will be placed on the methods and techniques the contractor used to prepare the substrate steel, including removal of iron oxides and pack rust. Next, the presentation will cover the thermal spray zinc process, and then finally the topcoat. In addition to meeting the requirements for corrosion protection, the bridge coating also met the budget requirements allotted for the project.
Product Number: 51324-20749-SG
Author: Bernardo Duran; Wade Campbell
Publication Date: 2024