
The Use of Contemporary Painted Coatings to Restore the Appearance and Performance of Exterior Historic Architectural Elements at the West Virginia State Capitol

Designed by renowned architect Cass Gilbert, the West Virginia State Capitol is undergoing its first comprehensive exterior rehabilitation since it was completed in 1932. Deterioration at this building can be traced to either poor original surface preparation or inappropriate and insufficient previous maintenance. This presentation will focus on the use of contemporary painted coatings to restore the gilded sheet metal dome and the polychromatic terra cotta cornices. 

Product Number: 41210-557-SG
Author: Elizabeth Moss
Publication Date: 2010
Industry: Coatings

Designed by renowned architect Cass Gilbert, the West Virginia State Capitol is undergoing its first comprehensive exterior rehabilitation since it was completed in 1932. Deterioration at this building can be traced to either poor original surface preparation or inappropriate and insufficient previous maintenance. This presentation will focus on the use of contemporary painted coatings to restore the gilded sheet metal dome and the polychromatic terra cotta cornices. Although the materials and deterioration conditions of each of these elements were unique from one another, painted coatings were successfully used on the sheet metal dome and the terra cotta cornices to restore the historic appearance and performance of these important architectural features, while retaining as much original historic fabric as possible.

Designed by renowned architect Cass Gilbert, the West Virginia State Capitol is undergoing its first comprehensive exterior rehabilitation since it was completed in 1932. Deterioration at this building can be traced to either poor original surface preparation or inappropriate and insufficient previous maintenance. This presentation will focus on the use of contemporary painted coatings to restore the gilded sheet metal dome and the polychromatic terra cotta cornices. Although the materials and deterioration conditions of each of these elements were unique from one another, painted coatings were successfully used on the sheet metal dome and the terra cotta cornices to restore the historic appearance and performance of these important architectural features, while retaining as much original historic fabric as possible.

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