
The Role of Alloy Microstructure on the Cavitation Erosion Behavior of Aluminum-Based, Iron-Based and Nickel-Based Alloys is Seawater

Aluminum-based, iron-based and nickel-based alloys of known microstructures were exposed to cavitation erosion conditions using a vibratory cavitation testing apparatus in seawater as a testing medium. The cavitation tests were made at a frequency of 20 KHz as per ASTM-G30-90 and at a temperature of 25oC. Cavitation made the surface of these alloys very rough, exhibiting large cavity pits in the middle region of the attacked area as revealed by the scanning electron microscope (SEM). The cavitation damage initiated at interfaces of high energy such as grain boundaries, twins, Stacking faults and second phase particles. Hydrodynamic, electrochemical and metallurgical factors played a major role in loss of metals for these alloys as a result of the cavitation action. 

Product Number: 51320-14734-SG
Author: Abdulhameed Al-Hashem, Nusrat Tanoli
Publication Date: 2020
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