
The Edgy Truth About Corrosion - How Carbon Nanotubes (CNT’s) are Redefining Edge Protection

This paper will outline the results of using CNTs in liquid applied coatings, resulting in the elimination of secondary surface preparation steps such as grinding, chamfering, and rounding of edges as well as eliminating the need to apply a stripe coat. The overall impact realized from the elimination of these process steps include, increased productivity, increased throughput, improved edge coating performance, and substantial lowering of project costs.

Product Number: 51220-251-SG
Author: Joe Davis
Publication Date: 2020
Industry: Coatings

This paper will outline the results of using CNTs in liquid applied coatings, resulting in the elimination of secondary surface preparation steps such as grinding, chamfering, and rounding of edges as well as eliminating the need to apply a stripe coat. The overall impact realized from the elimination of these process steps include, increased productivity, increased throughput, improved edge coating performance, and substantial lowering of project costs.

This paper will outline the results of using CNTs in liquid applied coatings, resulting in the elimination of secondary surface preparation steps such as grinding, chamfering, and rounding of edges as well as eliminating the need to apply a stripe coat. The overall impact realized from the elimination of these process steps include, increased productivity, increased throughput, improved edge coating performance, and substantial lowering of project costs.

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