
Tests On Chloride-Induced Stress Corrosion Cracking In Austenitic Stainless Steel Welds For Dry Storage Canister Application

Chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking (CISCC) is a degradation phenomenon hindering structural integrity of a dry storage canister for interim storage of spent nuclear fuel. Owing to materials susceptibility, residual stress and corrosive environments, pitting corrosion and evolution of CISCC occur. Previous workers on CISCC have figured out that austenitic stainless steels is susceptible to CISCC due to its microstructural characteristics. In chloride-containing media, pits are formed at the surface of austenitic stainless steels and theses pits play a role as CISCC initiation sites. However, due to its complexity, fundamental mechanism of CISCC at various temperatures and relative humidity (RH) values is still in-debate.

Product Number: ED22-17131-SG
Author: Seunghyun Kim, Dong-Jin Oh, Chang-Young Oh, Gidong Kim, and Sang Woo Song
Publication Date: 2022

As chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking is considered as the main potential degradation mechanism in dry storage canisters. Candidate materials including 304L-ER308L and 316L-ER316L were tested in a salt spray chamber system with temperature and relative humidity variations. The welded plates were manufactured as U-bend shape and installed in the chamber for 3 months. And at the end of the tests, the microstructure and chemistry of materials are examined using transmission electron microscope. The cracking only occurred in 304L-ER308L relative humidity at 30 %. Microstructure and chemical analysis gives that ferrite is selectively corroded and play a role as crack path as salt keep penetrating into pit and crack tip.

As chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking is considered as the main potential degradation mechanism in dry storage canisters. Candidate materials including 304L-ER308L and 316L-ER316L were tested in a salt spray chamber system with temperature and relative humidity variations. The welded plates were manufactured as U-bend shape and installed in the chamber for 3 months. And at the end of the tests, the microstructure and chemistry of materials are examined using transmission electron microscope. The cracking only occurred in 304L-ER308L relative humidity at 30 %. Microstructure and chemical analysis gives that ferrite is selectively corroded and play a role as crack path as salt keep penetrating into pit and crack tip.