
Superhydrophobic and Nanostructured HPHT Stable Polybenzoxazine Nanocomposite Coatings for Oil and Gas

Polybenzoxazine chemistry and polymerization have enjoyed tremendous growth due to its versatility in chemistry and a number of advantages in properties for high-temperature applications compared to epoxy PU PF resins. This is due to a wide variety of monomers and telechelic structures that can be incorporated in one-pot reactions and curing. We have widely reported the preparation of nanostructured polybenzoxazine (PBZ) nanocomposites prepared with nanoclay nano-silica and graphene to obtain very robust and superhydrophobic coatings that have resulted in efficient anti-corrosion properties and oil-water separators including anti-icing properties. The monomers are prepared by simpler chemistry enabling additives and other preparation protocols that lead to robust coatings. The addition of telechelic polybutadiene and the use of polyaniline as part of the interpenetrating network (IPN) and semi-interpenetrating network (SIPN) composition results in robust and very conformal coating compositions. In addition we have investigated PBZ-Epoxy copolymer compositions which are highly compatible with commercial formulations. Excellent adhesion properties to substrates even at higher temperature (HT) operations may enable these type of materials to be applied in more demanding conditions for the upstream midstream and downstream application in the oil and gas industries.

Product Number: 51319-13524-SG
Author: Rigoberto Advincula
Publication Date: 2019