
Substitution of Carbon Steels for Material SA-533 Type E for Lightweight Equipment

For many years MnMoNi alloy steels (ASME SA-533 type B or type C class 2) have been used in the substitution of carbon steels for the manufacture of equipment when weight reduction is critical. Nevertheless the use of these low alloy steels for equipment in sour service remains limited as their weldability is considered challenging. This paper aims at introducing an optimized chemical analysis based on material ASME SA-533 type E class 2. Test results on base metal and welded coupons will be described especially with respect to NACE MR0175/ISO 15156-2. Corrosion tests in amine solution done on SA-533 type E class 2 and carbon steel ASME SA-516 Gradde 65 are also be provided that show the low alloy steel behaves at least as well as the reference carbon steel.

Product Number: 51319-12919-SG
Author: Valery Ngomo
Publication Date: 2019
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