
Study Of Solid Particle Erosion And Electrochemical Behavior Of Graphene Enriched Ni-P Coatings

Product Number: 51321-16927-SG
Author: Ahmad Raza Khan Rana; Zoheir Farhat
Publication Date: 2021

Surface erosion and erosion-corrosion are among major degradations in the hydrocarbon industries and
are driven by the attributes of process streams and materials of construction for process equipment(s)/
piping. Despite significant corrosion and wear resistance, the performance of Ni-P coatings is inhibited
due to fracture and cracking by the impact of erosive particles in the process streams. This study involves
the preparation of graphene incorporated Ni-P coatings by adding various concentrations of graphene in
Ni-P plating bath under stirring conditions. The solid particle erosion behavior of Ni-P coatings was
studied under two different erodent velocities of 35 ms-1 and 52 ms-1 and three different incident angles
as 45, 60, and 90 degrees. Indent size and morphologies were characterized using the microplastic examination. The electrochemical behavior of ternary Ni-P coatings was studied using Potentiodynamic
Polarization testing against 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution. Graphene addition improved the electrochemical and
wear behavior by the reduction of porosities and improved hardness, respectively.

Surface erosion and erosion-corrosion are among major degradations in the hydrocarbon industries and
are driven by the attributes of process streams and materials of construction for process equipment(s)/
piping. Despite significant corrosion and wear resistance, the performance of Ni-P coatings is inhibited
due to fracture and cracking by the impact of erosive particles in the process streams. This study involves
the preparation of graphene incorporated Ni-P coatings by adding various concentrations of graphene in
Ni-P plating bath under stirring conditions. The solid particle erosion behavior of Ni-P coatings was
studied under two different erodent velocities of 35 ms-1 and 52 ms-1 and three different incident angles
as 45, 60, and 90 degrees. Indent size and morphologies were characterized using the microplastic examination. The electrochemical behavior of ternary Ni-P coatings was studied using Potentiodynamic
Polarization testing against 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution. Graphene addition improved the electrochemical and
wear behavior by the reduction of porosities and improved hardness, respectively.