
51313-02686-Stress Corrosion Cracking of High Strength Stainless Steels for Prestressed Concrete Strand

Product Number: 51313-02686-SG
ISBN: 02686 2013 CP
Author: Joseph Fernandez
Publication Date: 2013

High strength stainless steels are increasingly receiving consideration for prestressed concrete applications. While resistance of these materials to pitting corrosion is expected to be high susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is a concern given the high levels of operating stress. There is very limited information on this issue at present for conditions relevant to service in concrete. Moreover there is little availability of stainless steels strand material.  A preliminary evaluation of SCC performance was conducted with three alloys that had potential for commercial production: a common austenitic stainless steel (316L) an austenitic stainless steel with nickel substituted by manganese (XM29) and a duplex ferritic-austenitic alloy (2205) and that were available in strand wire form at strength levels >1.24 GPa. The alloys were evaluated bent to over the yield strength in neutral and in simulated concrete pore water solutions with near saturation chloride content and for temperatures ranging from 40 C to 135 C for periods of up to 2160 hours. Tests in neutral solutions resulted in cracking of all three alloys at the higher temperatures and of only alloy XM29 at 60 C.  In contrast no cracking took place for any of the alloys in NaCl-saturated simulated pore solution even after exposure for 2160 h at 60 C. The results from the higher temperature tests that produced cracking were used to calculate effective activation energies for bounding projections of failure times to cases relevant to hot weather applications. Ongoing tests with acceleration provided by anodic polarization will be discussed.

High strength stainless steels are increasingly receiving consideration for prestressed concrete applications. While resistance of these materials to pitting corrosion is expected to be high susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is a concern given the high levels of operating stress. There is very limited information on this issue at present for conditions relevant to service in concrete. Moreover there is little availability of stainless steels strand material.  A preliminary evaluation of SCC performance was conducted with three alloys that had potential for commercial production: a common austenitic stainless steel (316L) an austenitic stainless steel with nickel substituted by manganese (XM29) and a duplex ferritic-austenitic alloy (2205) and that were available in strand wire form at strength levels >1.24 GPa. The alloys were evaluated bent to over the yield strength in neutral and in simulated concrete pore water solutions with near saturation chloride content and for temperatures ranging from 40 C to 135 C for periods of up to 2160 hours. Tests in neutral solutions resulted in cracking of all three alloys at the higher temperatures and of only alloy XM29 at 60 C.  In contrast no cracking took place for any of the alloys in NaCl-saturated simulated pore solution even after exposure for 2160 h at 60 C. The results from the higher temperature tests that produced cracking were used to calculate effective activation energies for bounding projections of failure times to cases relevant to hot weather applications. Ongoing tests with acceleration provided by anodic polarization will be discussed.

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