
Stray Current Corrosion Risks and Case Histories in Communication Tower and Electric Transmission Applications

Stray current refers to electric current that flows elsewhere rather than along its intended path. Stray current is a well-known factor in pipeline maintenance and has been discovered to be an important consideration in communication and electric transmission structure maintenance.  Corrosion caused by stray current is frequently many magnitudes greater than corrosion that occurs naturally in soil.  Stray current may accelerate corrosion on guy anchors of communication towers and electric transmission towers which could lead to reduced service life or catastrophic failure. 

In this paper, stray current corrosion risk for galvanized guy anchors is discussed in detail. Identification by structure-to-soil potential measurements is discussed.  Stray current case studies are presented. Overall, this paper demonstrates that while stray current corrosion is a significant risk for guyed telecommunication and electric power structures, it can be detected and mitigated. This paper is an overview of the commonly accepted practices of stray current detection and mitigation used today. 

Product Number: 51320-14770-SG
Author: Anil Kumar Chikkam, Freddy Avendano and Peyman Taheri, Mehrooz Zamanzadeh, Nitesh Ahuja, Kevin Groll, Ben Jessup
Publication Date: 2020
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