
SP0572-2007-SG (Chinese) - Design, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Impressed Current Deep Anode Beds

Design, installation, operation, and maintenance of deep groundbeds for control of external corrosion of underground or submerged metallic structures by impressed current cathodic protection.

Product Number: 21152-SG
ISBN: 1-57590-117-X
Publication Date: 2007


Presents procedures and practices for design, installation, operation, and maintenance of deep groundbeds used for control of external corrosion of underground or submerged metallic structures by impressed current cathodic protection.

Key words: anodes, deep groundbeds

Presents procedures and practices for design, installation, operation, and maintenance of deep groundbeds used for control of external corrosion of underground or submerged metallic structures by impressed current cathodic protection.

Key words: anodes, deep groundbeds